Fuelwood Energy Production and Use by Farm Households in Imo State, Nigeria-: Implications for Forest Resource Conservation
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Published: 4 October 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
Fuelwood demand is continuously increasing in Imo State which leads to the conversion of forest lands to grasslands. Producers and users of fuelwood need to be aware of how much fuel wood they produce and use and the negative effects of their activities in Imo State so as to conserve their forests and preserve the environment. This study was designed to analyse the fuelwood production and use situations in Imo State so as to explore ways of meeting the increasing domestic and industrial demand for fuel wood and at the same time protect forest trees and the environment for future use. Data were collected with structured and validated questionnaire from 120 randomly selected respondents composed of 60 fuel wood users in the semi-urban and rural areas of Imo State. Data were analyzed using both descriptive statistics such as means, percentages, frequency distribution and Likert scale technique, as well as inferential statistics such as z-test, analysis of variance, scheffe test and ordinary least squares multiple regressions model. Results show that exposing farmland to wind erosion and scarcity of timber products are the most pronounced adverse effects of fuel wood production processes in the study area. The quantity of fuel wood produced and used per household per month were 7.61kg and 1.9kg respectively, while 499.35kg and 23.33kg of charcoal were produced and used per household per month respectively. Fuel wood production in Imo State is profitable and a producer earns a profit of N46.79 naira on every N100 naira invested in the production. The important factors influencing the quantity of fuel wood produced are type of wood, tenancy status, occupation, household labour force, distance of farmland to home, market for fuel wood and traditional laws, while the important factors influencing the quantity of fuel wood used are income level, level of education, type of kitchen, type of food prepared, type of occupation, price of fuel wood and price of alternative energy source such as kerosene and cooking gas. The traditional institution and government should be vigilant and enforce the laws to protect the forests and the environment. They should also need to examine the driving force behind the deforestation of the environment in the state.
Keywords: Fuelwood, Forest Trees and Environment, Household Labour Force, Producers and Users.

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How to Cite
C.O. OSUAGWU, K.I. OSUAGWU. (2020-10-04). "Fuelwood Energy Production and Use by Farm Households in Imo State, Nigeria-: Implications for Forest Resource Conservation." *Volume 4*, 4, 1-9